I'm archiving this here, because I don't think it will stay up more than an hour. Original post is here. (All this is, of course, in reference to
Subject: *ahem*
On the plus side, I'm very happy that livejournal is receiving the revenue it needs to keep making itself a great place to blog.
Other than that, this is possibly one of the most asinine marketing schemes I've ever seen. You've managed to get a handful of people to actually go along with your “role-play” community, yet, as this post illustrates, they see your movie as a horrible perversion of the book they know and love. The following seems to be your general formula for making movies.
- Make an atrocious movie.
a. Take a well-known, well-loved dark fantasy staple.
b. Make it into a movie with a multi-million dollar “guns, tits, and explosions” budget, replacing any meaningful plot with an 2 hours of gibberish.
c. Feebly try to get the fans of 'a' to advertise it for you. - ???
- Profit?
What's next? Perhaps you can ruin a few Neil Gaiman works? Personally, I think The Sandman would be a lot cooler if you just had a character named Morpheus, made him a short-tempered mal-adjusted 20-something looking guy living in Eastern Europe, and made the whole story about tits, guns, shooting tits with guns, and him being immortal and all torn up about it. Then you could start a livejournal community dedicated to roleplaying girls getting shot in the breasts while making out with Fairies who are also fighting ninjas. Seriously, the fans will do all the advertising for you, and you can just lay back and snort coke through 100 dollars bills.
I hope that you sent Livejournal a u-haul truck full of 100 dollar bills for this crap, because these ads about “Vivian's Secret” are really starting to get to me, and I'm thinking the “Livejournal Volunteer” that writes Vivian's posts probably soaks themselves in a bathtub full of peroxide when they get home, in a feeble attempt to wash off the shame.