- I’m trying to organize an Ubucon. First step: figure out where the hell it can be hosted. I’m looking at Central Jersey at the end of July, so I’ll try calling TCNJ tomorrow or early next week. If you know a suitable place, let me know!
- I set up beryl on Christina’s laptop, and finally got KVM working correctly — Ubuntu Forums to the rescue! Apparently it’s an issue with acpi in Windows: this post told me how to disable it, and this post tells how to disable it during the install (I added the latter to the kvm wiki page). Now it works, and runs in real time.
- Which is good, because I’ll be at least showing both briefly at PACS next weekend. I’ll be giving a presentation on (GNU) Linux and Ubuntu, and (hopefully) people from the PA LoCo Team will be there to answer questions and give out CDs.
- Spurred by the Ed Lally’s presentation at April’s CHLUG meeting, I’ve decided to set up Asterisk in my house, and been having some trouble. I first set up Trixbox, which comes with Asterisk and FreePBX, but I wasn’t satisfied with it; it runs on CentOS, it didn’t make it clear how to change a lot of the settings, and I was also having stability issues — memory usage slowly went up, ssh died for no reason, etc. Installing FreePBX and Asterisk on Ubuntu didn’t fare much better; apparently FreePBX basically takes over your system, which is what I was trying to avoid. There’s apparently a deb package from Xorcom according to a wiki page Fabian was working on, but if that doesn’t work I’m going plain Asterisk, which should be a learning experience.
- Also, I crave brains, as Dave pointed out. I’m going to try to get Christina to make a better picture of me soon — preferably one that looks like I’m staring right at you, Dave.