- Joe Terranova - //www.joeterranova.net/blog -

A great day for LoCo Teams in the US

Posted By joe On August 1, 2007 @ 1:28 am In linux,New Jersey LoCo Team,Planet Ubuntu,ubuntu | Comments Disabled

Last week I had set up ubuntu-us.org [1] as a portal for US LoCo teams, since the page was previously a placeholder.

On Saturday the US Team Project [2] met to talk about various things, including how to promote US teams. One of the things that came up was getting on the front page of Digg.

When I got into work this morning, I saw that jono was finishing up talking to US mentors about this article [3]. Shortly after, it was submitted to Digg [4].

472 Diggs [4] and quite a few new teams [5] later, I’d say today was a great success for LoCo Teams in the US. I’d like to thank everyone who helped out in #ubuntu-us today, and good luck to all those new LoCo Team members!

As well, the New Jersey Team [6] had a very productive meeting today to talk about what we’ll be doing for Software Freedom Day. Hopefully we’ll have more concrete details soon, but so far great progress guys!

JoeTerranova.net [7]

Article printed from Joe Terranova: //www.joeterranova.net/blog

URL to article: //www.joeterranova.net/blog/2007/08/01/a-great-day-for-loco-teams-in-the-us/

URLs in this post:

[1] ubuntu-us.org: http://www.ubuntu-us.org/

[2] US Team Project: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams

[3] this article: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1063

[4] Digg: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_In_The_United_States

[5] quite a few new teams: http://blog.tonyyarusso.com/planetubuntu/ubuntu-minnesota-loco-team-started/

[6] New Jersey Team: http://nj.ubuntu-us.org/

[7] JoeTerranova.net: //www.joeterranova.net

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