On Linux, Flash Media Server only supports Redhat. In February, Markus Bertheau posted a patch for FMS 3, so that it would run on Ubuntu. Based on that patch, here is a patch for FMS 3.5 . It’s patched in a similar way. From the installer directory, run:
patch -p1 < fms-3.5-ubuntu.patch
That gets it to install. I’ve not tried running it though. If you run into problems running it, please let me know.

Dan Benson | 30-Jan-09 at 10:18 pm | Permalink
What’s different with your 3.5 patch vs. the one for 3.0? I managed to get FMS 3.5 running on Ubuntu using the 3.0 patch and seems to work fine, except I’m having problems getting the companion Apache to work. Does your patch do anything for Apache?
Joe Terranova | 27-Apr-09 at 6:41 pm | Permalink
whats up
2mop | 24-Sep-09 at 10:48 pm | Permalink
I’m trying to install a FMS 3.0 on an Ubuntu server, i’d try your patch but it still tell me : you use an unsupported OS.
Does your patch work only on an Ubuntu (not the server verssion) ?
joe | 25-Sep-09 at 12:39 am | Permalink
The patch for 3.0 is linked above as well. Try that one.
Ken Kenn | 28-Nov-09 at 11:35 pm | Permalink
Please I recently installed fms 3.5 to my server. It runs but does not connect to it. Who can help me out and how much will it cost to help me. Please shoot me an email at monak19 at hotmail.com
在Ubuntu Server上安裝Flash Media Server 3.5的環境 - Anistar RIA Blog | 06-Jan-10 at 10:26 pm | Permalink
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HsuChun » Blog Archive » 在Ubuntu Server上安裝Flash Media Server 3.5的環境 | 10-Jan-10 at 2:17 am | Permalink
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