June 2009

Re: David Rubin: Down Time, Changing Hosting Provider To Fsckvps

A while ago David posted about how he switched to using FsckVPS over Linode. He showed that it was cheaper, faster, etc.

Today I saw this on Reddit. Take a look at the linked picture. Basically, it’s Fsck saying that it’s too hard to not store passwords in plaintext, and then an email saying that they were hacked, and lost tons of data.

This is David’s original post. I went to go comment, but his site is down…

Btw, David, that’s the difference between Linode and Fsckvps.


New Jersey LoCo Team
Planet Ubuntu

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Presenting Asterisk at CHLUG Tonight

I’ll be presenting on Asterisk at CHLUG tonight, so if you’re in the Cherry Hill (New Jersey) area, come on down! I’ll be presenting to what I think will be a mostly empty room, so if you have questions about Asterisk, tonight’s a good time to get them answered.


New Jersey LoCo Team
Planet Ubuntu

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