
CHLUG Follow-up New User Night

To follow-up the LoCo Team’s Install Fest, CHLUG‘s July meeting was a new user night.

Dave (not pictured, because he was taking the pictures, and didn’t hand over the camera :D ) gave a talk about the Debian package management system.

Joe Smith gave a talk on Fedora package management.

Joe Smith on Fedora package management

I gave a talk on how to find support for Ubuntu

Joe on support for Ubuntu

Jerry explained restricted software

Jerry on restricted software

And Bryan talked about everything ever (gnome-applets, the file system, and media).

Bryan talking about everything

More can be found here. Overall we had three new visitors from the install fest, and it looks like CHLUG is going to have one new member :D They’re looking forward to having more events in the future, and so do I.


New Jersey LoCo Team
Planet Ubuntu

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Cherry Hill June Installfest a Success, et al.

First of all, hello Planet Ubuntu :D , and goodbye Planet Ubuntu Users. :( For those who aren’t aware, Planet Ubuntu Users is a great project which provides a blogging community for Ubuntu users. If you’re only familiar with Planet Ubuntu, check out Planet Ubuntu Users, as there’s some great posts you’re missing out on. Even though I’m a member now, PUU still gets a spot in my aggregator.

The Install Fest on Saturday went great! We did a new install for a new user, fixed weird font rendering problems (the culprit was a bug in FreeType), fixed wireless issues with an upgrade to Xubuntu Feisty, and, equally important, talked to several people who came by just to ask questions and get CDs. We’re having a follow-up new user night at CHLUG this Friday, and it looks like we’ll be getting great attendance.

I’d also like to thank everyone that helped out, and everyone that stopped by to show support. It went great, and I look forward to more events in the future.

Some highlights:

Hanging out at Installfest

i11 guy

Joe helping with an install

Chris and John talking

The rest are available here. On Friday CHLUG will be having a follow-up meeting on how to use Ubuntu. Should be fun! :D


New Jersey LoCo Team
Planet Ubuntu

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Installfest, June 30th, Cherry Hill Public Library

installfest logo


New Jersey LoCo Team

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On free speech and related topics

Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and we expect you to take those consequences into account when making decisions.

In response to this question. For those not familiar with the issue, here.

To be honest, the associated party’s vision of free speech is skewed. (In America at least), free speech merely shields you from reprisal and censorship from the government, as well as government agencies and organizations; free speech does not cover a) your employer firing you, b) an organization disowning you, c) a newspaper, magazine, or web site censoring or removing your work.

Therefore, I am constantly amazed when people both in and out of the Ubuntu community are surprised that their words have consequences, especially on Planet Ubuntu; Planet Ubuntu is basically a casual press release to the world, and should be treated as such — not in that every post must be directly related to Ubuntu (though I’d appreciate if it was more so some days), but that those that aren’t shouldn’t be offensive. Likely to start a friendly argument? Sure. Controversial? Sure. Repeated posts of an offensive or sexual nature? On your blog, that’s perfectly fine … but if you check off the tag that gets you syndicated on Planet Ubuntu, it’s expected that you act in a way that complies with the letter and spirit of the Code of Conduct.

Don’t be shocked and appalled when you’re asked to obey basic community standards. Likewise, if someone points out that your post is patently offensive, there are a number of different ways to respond.

The correct response:

  • apologize?
  • provide an explanation
  • learn from your mistakes

The incorrect response:

  • rant about your free speech rights
  • Blaming the person who pointed it out for not being more open-minded
  • Leaving all of your attachments to the community in a brash and indignant huff.

Don’t tell people to grow thicker skins. Don’t tell people they should ignore your posts if they’re offensive. We’re a community, we have community standards, and we expect you to follow them.

Update: Thanks for all the comments, but I’ve disabled further commenting to stop this from digressing any further. Let’s focus on more important things.


New Jersey LoCo Team

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PACS Presentation, PA LoCo Team

Presentation went well yesterday.Relevant blog posts from Liz and Jim. Pics from my side are available here. Some of mine:

Alternatives to UNIX?

Windows in VirtualBox

Attendees at presentation

LoCo Team table at PACS

linux tables at PACS

Liz, Alex, Teddy

Kevin at a G4

Overall, I think it went pretty darn well, and it looks like PA Team thought so as well. Overall I’m told they gave out around 100 CDs, and got quite a few sign ups for their installfest on June 2nd.


New Jersey LoCo Team

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