Stuff Stuff

Let’s see:

  • Ubucon kicked ass. Met a lot of great people, and I’m motivated for the LoCo team again.
  • Moved all my stuff to a new host, Dreamhost. It’s cheaper, more reliable, and has more stuff.
  • Moved my blog to a wordpress on my site. I’m tired of my livejournal, and I now have things set up so I can post here and automatically post there
  • Sent out an email to the LoCo team, telling them I want to meet. In person. Because we’re all real people, I hope.
  • Moved Philly By Night to the new version of Mediawiki, and added more content. You know you want to work on it, so just do it.
  • I’m juggling 3 million things, but I’m still sane, some how. Let’s keep it that way if we can.